Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Chamber A Look Into The Novel And Film Essay

The Chamber: A Look Into the Novel and Film Stories about crime prove to be a strong part of Americas entertainment in this day. In The Chamber, John Grisham writes about a Klansman who is convicted of murder and a grandson who tries to save his grandfather is on death row. This story is now a major motion picture. This story carries a strong emotional following to it because it both questions and supports the death penalty in different ways. Grisham shows this when he writes: quot; ‘ Ive hurt a lot of people, Adam, and I havent always stopped to think about it. But when you have a date with the grim reaper, you think about the damage youve done. quot; The messages about the death penalty are brought about in†¦show more content†¦He was my great-grandfather. quot; (123). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Adam Cayhall is a young motivated lawyer who is driven to save his grandfather, Sam, because he wants to find out about his family history as well as about his grandfather. John Grisham shows Adams desire to defend his grandfather and get him out of being executed: quot; `Ive studied his entire file. quot; quot; ‘ Im intrigued by the case. Ive watched it for years, read everything written about the man. You asked me earlier why I chose Kravitz amp; Bane. Well, the truth is that I wanted to work on the Cayhall case, and I think this firm has handled it pro bono for, what, eight years now? quot; (28). Adams desire to learn more about his family through defending Sam is strong. quot; ‘Im your grandson. Therefore, Im allowed to ask questions about your past. quot; (Grisham 123). Adam uses his family to relate to Sam. The author shows this when he quotes Adam saying, quot; `On behalf of my family, such as it is-my mother who refuses to discuss Sam; my nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sister who only whispers his name; my aunt in Memphis who has disowned the name Cayhall-and on behalf of my late father, I would like to say thanks to you and to this firm for what youve done. I admire you greatly. quot; (45). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lee is Sam CayhallsShow MoreRelatedFictional Novels and Historical Information in Novel All Quiet on the Western Front829 Words   |  3 Pages A fictional novel can serve as a useful source for historical information if it the right one. It just depends on the novel and the author who has written it. Also, it makes a difference if the author actually had experience with what they have written about. All Quit on the Western Front, for example, can be used to show the troubles of War World I. The author Erich Maria Remarque himself had been in the war. 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